2014年2月11日 星期二

月滿西樓... 記那優雅的年代


其中一集, 訪問已經八十多歲的 [潘迪華].


眾多首本名曲中, 她選播了... [月滿西樓].

原來, 月滿西樓...網上有多個版本...

  月滿西樓 was originally recorded and custom-made (特別提出) for famous music hall singer (歌廳歌手) 方怡 in 1965.

It was later used as the main theme of the 1968 film "月滿西樓", based on the story written by 瓊瑤 in 1966; both 姚蘇蓉 (海山 Recording) & 潘迪華 (EMI Recording) recorded the song. However, another possible candidate was 方逸華, who was the first singer to be chosen by 瓊瑤 to record "月滿西樓" for the movie.

姚蘇蓉 recorded the song in the 1968 album "臨別的一笑"; the lyrics written by 莊奴. The version recorded by 方逸華 and later by 潘迪華 in 1968, was written by 瓊瑤.

 It was the first song to ever be composed by 劉家昌. 謝雷, who also recorded in 1968, used the lyrics written by 莊奴.

This version, which was recorded in the 1968 album "月滿西樓/星夜的離別/問白雲", is also very unique, because it is recorded as a duet between 青山 & 婉曲, with completely different lyrics from either 莊奴 or 瓊瑤.

 但是, 細聽下來, 無論編曲與演繹,

還是 喜歡...這個版本.

話說, 潘迪華在訪問中,


形容: 那是一個優雅的年代 !


細聽此曲, 也有同感.

夏丹/ 1967: 方逸華/ 1968: 潘迪華 - 月滿西樓

 曲 : 劉家昌 / 詞 : 瓊瑤

這正是...花開時候 露濕 胭脂初透
愛花 且慇勤相守 莫讓 花兒消瘦

這正是...月圓時候 明月 照滿西樓
惜月 且慇勤相守 莫讓 月兒溜走

似這般...良辰美景 似這般...蜜意綢繆
但願...花長好      月長圓 人長久

看資料, 原來...1970年代,

月滿西樓 也曾出現粵語版本,

鳴茜 1971  黃凱欣 1978

明月照花枝秀 花好兩並頭
護花要懂溫柔 千秋愛如舊

明月照花枝秀 芳心意悠悠
眼看月滿西樓 快樂陪伴良友

我對你細訴心願 你對我蜜意綢繆
知己兩心歡 情話深意重 但願良夜伴良友

劉家昌的旋律, 確是經典 !

