2014年7月29日 星期二

幻彩 硫璃 啫喱


這天... 網上看到這個 [馬賽克].

原來, 七彩小甜品的名字是...

幻彩硫璃啫喱Broken Glass Jello


 豐富的夏日色彩, 節日氣氛...

日常食材: 啫喱 煉奶 魚膠粉.

做法簡單: 小朋友也可應付.

 There are variations of this in Mexican grocery stores and eateries, but seldom with such vibrant colors. So easy, so little labor, and so much fun to eat. Sure, it doesn't require the usual KitchenAid mixer, imported sea salt, 72% cocoa chocolate or Tahitian vanilla beans..
but sometimes, 
we need something simple!

  1. 4 small boxes of jello (3 oz), different colors
  2. 1 can sweetened condensed milk (Like Eagle or something, got it?)
  3. 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
  4. water

宴客... 也絕不失禮呢 !

這個是用了 Bundt pan 定型.
 This is the coolest Jello idea! Although it takes a bit of planning ahead for the Jello to cool, it looks like it would be a lot of fun. Make it into a holiday jello by using festive colors; red, white, and blue for The 4th of July, red and green for Christmas, pastels for Easter, etc.

小改變 大改善 !

小點子 大色彩, 只要...

您願意... 動動腦筋 !!!


Have a nice day !


Broken Glass Jello - Food Librarian
